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log in or sign upScheduled for release in November 2015, American Business: Agricultural Newspapers will reportedly contain nearly 270 historical agricultural newspapers from 33 U.S. states, with dates ranging from 1788 through 1894. As of April 2016, the product contained approximately 12,000 issues from 31 titles (additional content forthcoming).
Titles highlighted by the publisher include: California Farmer and Journal of Useful Sciences (Sacramento, CA), Grand Valley Star (Grand Junction, CO), Florida Agriculturalist (Jacksonville, FL), Maine Farmer (Augusta, ME), Massachusetts Ploughman and New England Journal of Agriculture (Boston, MA), Farmers’ and Mechanics’ Advocate (St. Louis, MO), Miners’ and Farmers’ Journal (Charlotte, NC), Long Island Farmer and Queens County Advertiser (Jamaica, NY), Western Stock Journal (Pleasonton, TX) and others [see full title list].
Content was sourced primarly from the holdings of the American Antiquarian Society.