Nature Publishing Group


    Nature Publishing Group (NPG) is a publisher of scientific and medical information in print and online. Until 2015 NPG was a wholly-owned US subsidiary of the U.K.-based Macmillan Publishers Limited, NPG publishes journals, online databases, and services across the life, physical, chemical and applied sciences and clinical medicine.

    Type of Organization
    Provider Role(s)
    Alternative Names
    Nature America, Inc.
    Year established
    Still in Operation
    Main Address

    The Macmillan Building
    4 Crinan Street
    N1 9XW
    United Kingdom

    Resource Types

    In 2015 Nature Publishing Group merged with Palgrave Macmillan, Macmillan Education and Springer Science+Business Media to form Springer NatureSpringer Nature is one of the world's largest academic book publisher, and a publisher of high-impact journals. 

    Governance: Board / Owners / Parent organization

    Nature Publishing Group is a trading name of Nature America, Inc., a wholly-owned US subsidiary of the U.K.-based Macmillan Publishers Limited.

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