Archival materials

History of Religiosity in Latin America Online, c. 1830 – 1970: The CIDOC Collection is an online primary source drawn from thousands of recently digitized fiche records. Organized by country/region, it offers researchers and student the convenience of exploring this content online, using full-text search functionality via OCR technology.

May 17, 2024 7:37pm
Inactive / Declined

Global Think Tanks indexes and links to more than 3.4 million reports, working papers, policy briefs, data sources, and media drawn from a curated directory of more than
24,000 think tanks, including IGOs, NGOs, and research centers across the globe.  Delivered on the Policy Commons Platform, Global Think Tanks currently provides full text coverage of more than 8,500 organizations and includes more than 55,000 rescued reports from over 500 inactive organizations.

May 31, 2024 4:27pm
Active Offer

Coherent Digital, LLC, create databases from "content that’s uncatalogued, undiscoverable, uncitable, prone to link rot, and likely to disappear."

Their three current initiatives include:

  • Policy Commons— research coming from over 21,000 think tanks, NGOs, and IGOs
  • Mindscape Commons—curates content of virtual reality and immersive video in mental health
  • African Collections—focusing on content from the African continent


Updated: Mar 24, 2023 10:43am