17th and 18th Century Nichols Newspapers Collection

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    17th and 18th Century Nichols Newspapers Collection contains the collection of newspapers from John Nichols (1745-1826).  This collection over 150,000 pages of printed text gathered from the newspapers that span over 100 years of history.

    Through a partnership with the Bodleian Library, Gale has digitally scanned each page of this collection.

    May 31, 2024 4:27pm
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    Collection Content

    17th and 18th Century Nichols Newspapers Collection contains the collection of newspapers from John Nichols (1745-1826).  This collection over 150,000 pages of printed text gathered from the newspapers that span over 100 years of history.

    Through a partnership with the Bodleian Library, Gale has digitally scanned each page of this collection.

    This collection includes:

    • Applebee’s Original Weekly Journal
    • Athenian Mercury
    • Flying Post or Postmaster
    • London Gazette
    • Mist’s Weekly Journal
    • Original Weekly Journal
    • Post Boy
    • Post Man or the Historical Account
    • Tatler

    This collection is only available as a one-time purchase.

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