American Religion: Denominational Newspapers

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    Scheduled for release in November 2015, American Religion: Denominational Newspapers will reportedly contain more than 320 historical religious and denominational newspapers from 33 U.S. states, with dates ranging from 1799 through 1900. Titles highlighted by the publisher include: the Pacific (San Francisco, CA), Methodist Advocate (Atlanta, GA), Sandwich Island Gazette (Honolulu, HI), New Covenant (Chicago, IL), Catholic Standard (New Orleans, LA), Christian Mirror (Portland, ME), Catholic Herald (Philadelphia, PA), Christian Witness and Church Advocate (Boston, MA), Christian Messenger (Dallas, TX), Deseret News (Salt Lake City, UT)  and others [see full title list]. 

    Content was sourced primarly from the holdings of the American Antiquarian Society.

    May 17, 2024 7:37pm
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