Art Museum Image Gallery

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    Art Museum Image Gallery is a rich digital resource of art images and related multimedia gathered from the collections of distinguished museums around the world. Access to this resource allows users to manipulate the images to suit their educational needs outside the Art Museum Image Gallery interface. This pedagogical flexibility is enabled by all the images being cleared for educational use.

    Oct 1, 2015 5:56pm
    Subject Areas
    Resource Types

    Full Text Linking

    This resource is compliant with the OpenURL standard.

    Technical information can be found at

    Federated Searching

    This resource is Z39.50 compliant

    Technical information can be found at

    Metadata Standards

    High quality cataloguing and metadata standards. Each piece of work has basic cataloguing information and some works are enhanced with associated information such as curatorial texts, detailed provenance history, multiple views of the work, sound and video.

    Search Options

    There are thirty searchable fields and sixteen browseable fields. Users can search by:

    • keyword
    • artist
    • title of work
    • creation year
    • subject
    • ownership
    • type of object
    • culture or nationality

    Post Search Options

    Search result records can be exported  to EndNote and Refworks.

    Users can also email results, save searches and set up SDI search alerts.

    Users are also able to format citation records automatically in a simple form, using the MLA and APA standards.

    Usage Statistics

    Usage statistics are available for the Art Museum Image Gallery and are ICOLC compliant. COUNTER compliancy approvals for Release 1 were received for Journal Report 1 and Database Reports 1, 2 and 3. COUNTER Release 2 approvals for these reports are expected shortly.


    Authentication is via the UK Access Management Federation, Athens, and IP address range.


    WilsonWeb is compliant with Section 508 of the US Rehabilitation Act, designed to improve access and functionality for individuals with disabilities. WilsonWeb also meets current international guidelines for user accessibility.

    Additional Reviews in Other Sources

    Siko, Michelle. "Art Museum Image Gallery: AMIG (HW Wilson.)" The Charleston Advisor. July 2006. p. 14.… Accessed November 26, 2013.

    Community Ratings

    Content scope and completeness
    No votes yet
    Cost and price-structure
    No votes yet
    Platform and user interface
    No votes yet