British Newspapers IV, 1780-1950

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    British Newspapers IV, 1780-1950 provides access to national, regional, and local newspapers published in Britain between the late 18th to mid-20th centuries, reflecting the social, political, and cultural events of the times.  This group of titles extends the previous digital collections Gale created from the British Library collections.

    May 31, 2024 4:27pm
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    Collection Content

    British Newspapers IV, 1780-1950 provides access to national, regional, and local newspapers published in Britain between the late 18th to mid-20th centuries, reflecting the social, political, and cultural events of the times.  This collection complements and extends the previous digital collections Gale created from the British Library collections: 19th Century British Library Newspapers (Parts I and II), and British Newspapers Part III, 1780-1950.

    Part IV extends the date coverage of selected titles from previous collections (such as Aberdeen Journal from 1900-1950) and further expands geographic coverage of titles from counties throughout England. Also represented are titles from Scotland and Northern Ireland (Belfast Morning News). 

    Titles for Part IV include: 

    • Aberdeen Journal
    • Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette
    • Belfast Morning News
    • Berkshire Chronicle
    • Cambridge Independent Press
    • Cheltenham Chronicle
    • Chester Chronicle
    • Derby Daily Telegraph
    • Dover Express
    • Dundee Courier
    • Edinburgh Evening News
    • Evening Telegraph
    • Gloucester Citizen
    • Grantham Journal
    • Islington Gazette
    • Leamington Spa Courier
    • Liverpool Daily Post
    • Nottingham Evening Post
    • Stamford Mercury
    • The Scots Magazine
    • Western Gazette
    • Yorkshire Gazette

    Detailed issue-level metadata for the titles included in Part IV are included in the International Coalition on Newspapers (ICON) Database at the following location: 


    The collection will be searchable through Gale's 19th Century British Newspapers interface, cross-searchable with the other three collections in that series. It is also part of Gale's NewsVault collection, and as such will become available through Gale's Artemis platform, which offers several advanced scholarly workflow tools.


    Strengths and Weaknesses

    As with the other parts of this collection, titles selected for British Newspapers IV, 1780-1950 are sourced from the British Library's newspaper digitization effort undertaken in partnership with DC Thomson Family History (formerly brightsolid). The content is thus also available in open access on-site at the British Library and to subscribers through the British Newspaper Archive, though Gale has integrated the content into its research-oriented platforms (NewsVault, Artemis) for academic institutional subscribers. 

    Gale has selected resources for this collection to form a geographically dispersed and politically diverse body of material. The publication runs are often extensive, with many titles running 100 years or more. This part could be considered more esoteric than previous offerings, with the majority of titles representing smaller regional papers covering non-metropolitan areas. However, integrated with additonal parts of the British Newspapers, 1600-1950 collection, the material may provide valuable additional insight on histoical and social issues of 19th and 20th century Britain.

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