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    The EUREKA.CC database provides access to more than 2,500 news and current event sources from North America, Latin America, and Europe. These sources range from large newspapers, such as Le Monde and Le Figaro, to small regional newspapers, as well as other formats such as newswires, specialized periodicals, and radio and television transcripts. A subscription includes all of the titles as a group, with pricing levels based on the number of simultaneous users.

    May 17, 2024 7:37pm
    Subject Areas
    Resource Types
    Major Languages
    Collection Content

    The EUREKA.CC database provides access to more than 2,500 news and current event sources from North America, Latin America, and Europe. The following types of sources are included, indicating the number of titles reported as of September 2011:
        Newspapers 1121
        Website references   568
        Periodicals (specialized regional or trade titles) 233
        Websites  219
        Newswires  109
        Blogs  47
        Television transcripts (for individual broadcast shows, especially news)  45
        Press releases (daily series)  43
        Radio transcripts  9
        Databases  9
        Twitter feeds  9
        Web TV   2

    Sources range in scale from large newspapers, such as Le Monde and Le Figaro, to small regional newspapers. Canadian regional content is especially strong, including reporting from aboriginal communities. Most of the web material is open access, but has the advantage of being cross-indexed here. About 30% of the web content is ingested and hosted by Eureka, while the remaining "website references" point out to material hosted elsewhere.

    While approximately 50% of the titles include archived content dating only back to 2008, there are further back files for selected titles. The distributor indicates that a few titles date back to the 1970s, although a title browse lit indicates that the oldest content is for Le Monde diplomatique, dating to 1980.  Archived content for Le Monde dates to 1987.  Most of the content dating back to the 1980s is French language material, from France and from Canada.  Le Figaro was added in 1996, and several Canadian new service sources in French and in English date back to around 2000.

    Over 60 percent of the content is in English; French is the second-largest language represented, constituting around 20 percent of the titles. The Latin American content is one area of growth, particularly Brazil.

    The Quebec-based distributor, CEDROM-SNi, specializes in distributing electronic information products to end-users as well as content management software to organizations. It contracts with various publishers, corporations, and government agencies to distribute their publications. In addition to text databases and news alert services, it distributes CD-ROM sets for selected titles.


    The interface is simply laid out, with a few straightforward prompts for the user.  Searches can be qualified by author and title as well as designations specific to newspaper articles-- the lead and sections. Full text is available for all the titles, and PDF page images for much of the content.There is a date browse option for viewing PDF facsimiles of full issues, which is very useful.  The interface instructions are available in both English and French.

    Local database administrators can create groupings of titles according to various criteria, such as region or type of publication, tailored to the interests of users.


    A subscription includes all of the titles as a group, with pricing levels based on the number of simultaneous users.

    Strengths and Weaknesses

    The coverage by geographic region and type of source material is extremely broad, which can be an advantage for advanced researchers, but may be overwhelming or redundant for students. It is also potentially expensive to provide multiple session points for the major newspapers, but to have to pay for all the other titles as well. It will be very helpful to have data on the dates of back files available for the various titles.


    Center for Research Libraries

    • Virginia Kerr - Digital Program Manager
    Additional Reviews in Other Sources

    Uziel, Lidia. "EUREKA.CC" The Charleston Review. April 2013. pp. 50-52. Accessed November 26, 2013.

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