Institution of Mechanical Engineers Proceedings Archive 1847-1996

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    The IMechE Proceedings archive contains over 200,000 pages of unique material, including technical papers, obituaries, meeting reports, technical drawings, and editorial comment published in the proceedings of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE). 

    Oct 1, 2015 5:56pm

    Full Text Linking

    This resource is compliant with the OpenURL standard. Full text linking is also provided via CrossRef, MetaLib, and XML.

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    This resource is Dublin Core compliant. Federated searching is also supported by MetaLib, Scitopia and CQL.

    Metadata Standards

    XML header data is created in line with the NLM 'green' DTD.

    Search Options

    Users can search for results in the document text, title, author, date and DOI. Results are also given for the publisher's other online resources and

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