Interfax News Bulletins

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    Current news coverage from Russia's non-governmental news agency Interfax (Интерфакс). East View's product aggregates five publications issued by Interfax, including:

    • Novosti Interfaksa (The News from Interfax) (newswire - daily) general, socio-political news
    • Diplomaticheskaia panorama (Diplomatic Panorama) (daily)
    • Prezidentskii vestnik (Presidential Bulletin)  (daily)
    • VPK Rossii i eksport oruzhiia (The Military-Industrial Complex of Russia and Arms Exports) (weekly)
    • Voennye novosti (Military Newswire) (newswire - daily)

    Available through East View's Universal Database platform.

    May 17, 2024 7:37pm
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