IOP Journal Archive 1874 -

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    Online access to over 110,000 articles and 1.5 million pages of research from 40 journals published by the Institute of Physics between 1874 and 1998.

    Oct 1, 2015 5:56pm

    Full Text Linking

    The product contains a variety of links from references - CrossRef, other links to full text at preprint servers and publisher sites, links to abstracts at PubMed, ChemPort etc. and links to document delivery services (currently Infotrieve).

    In addition, the product is OpenURL compliant, and compatible with link resolvers and library portals such as MetaLib. More details at or contact

    Federated Searching

    This resource is Z39.50 compliant. Please see or contact

    Metadata Standards

    Metadata may be harvested using OAI-PMH - contact for access to the OAI repository.

    Harvestable OAI data is provided in Dublin Core - see RSS feeds are provided for all journals in several formats - see for more details. On request, customers may also obtain automatic email deliveries of article metadata that conforms to the NLM DTD.

    Search Options

    Searches may be performed on article metadata and abstracts, or on the full text of the article. Searches may be performed on the entire journals database, or restricted to specific journals, collections or subject areas. Results may be clustered using Vivisimo technology.

    Post Search Options

    Results may be exported in a variety of formats compatible with the major reference management tools. Results can be emailed, downloaded or delivered to the browser. Users may create a personal account and store saved searches.

    Usage Statistics

    IOP is working towards COUNTER compliance. Usage statistics (typically full text downloads by journal) may be requested online at or by contacting


    Authentication is via the the UK Access Management Federation, Athens, and IP address range.


    IOP have followed the W3C Web Accessibility Initiative guidelines to improve our site and make it as accessible as possible for all users. IOP would be pleased to receive any comments, feedback or requests for further improvements at

    Community Ratings

    Content scope and completeness
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    Cost and price-structure
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    Platform and user interface
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