Izvestiia Digital Archive

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    Izvestiia (Известия) Digital Archive covers the "complete archive" of Izvestiia (Известия), from its founding in 1917 through present. The database presents "the Kremlin’s newspaper of record" as full-image text searchable files.  As of October 2019, the archive holds 30,101 full text, full image issues.

    East View reports that the archive grows with ongoing subscription, hosted on East View's Universal Database platform. 

    May 17, 2024 7:37pm
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    Izvestiia Digital Archive covers the "complete archive" of Izvestiia (Известия), from its founding in 1917 through 2010. The database presents "the Kremlin’s newspaper of record" as full-image text searchable files.East View Information Services reports that the database contains 29,113 issues, and "over one million articles." 

    East View confirmed that the source for the scanned content is microfilm it has produced (Izvestiia also exists on various other editions of film, including from the Library of Congress, CRL/FNMP, Harvard University, and the British Library). East View represents that the quality of the source microfilm is better than in its previous digital offerings (such as Pravda). However, East View has expressed its commitment to quality improvement of images that are found to be insufficiently viewable or searchable. 


    Izvestiia Digital Archive is presented on East View's Universal Database platform, allowing for cross-searchability of other subscribed products. The platform includes a Cyrillic virtual keyboard to allow for full-text searching, and offers the ability to search in transliteration. 


    In 2011, East View reported that Izvestiia would be the first digital collection from East View archived into CLOCKSS. 


    Center for Research Libraries

    • Carolyn Ciesla - Research Assistant
    Publication History (108.03 KB)

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