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    LandScan is a unique data set showing population distribution, developed by the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). In 2011, East View obtained an exclusive license for all distribution of this database outside of internal government uses. The data set is available through a subscription for each year (representing data collected in the previous year). East View also offers The LandScan Global Archive, a compilation of the historical LandScan data sets.

    May 31, 2024 4:27pm
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    LandScan is a unique data set showing population distribution, developed by the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). In 2011, East View obtained an exclusive license for all distribution of this database outside of internal government uses. The data set is available through a subscription for each year (representing data collected in the previous year). East View also offers The LandScan Global Archive, a compilation of the historical LandScan data sets.

    The data represents ambient population (combined for night and day) at one-kilometer (30" x 30") resolution. Details of age and gender are also provided at certain geographic scales. The data can be limited by state, country, region, or global level. A search can also be customized based on individually defined pixel points. Only the latest data is provided; the producers do not attempt to display comparative data over time.

    The information is derived from a combination of census data, algorithmic projections, and satellite imagery. The population calculations come from ORNL’s LandScan USA database (high resolution data derived at 3 arc-second ~90 meters), which is compiled for the Homeland Security Infrastructure Program (HSIP). High-resolution image sources include the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) Controlled Image Base (CIB). The data is displayed in GIS raster format (ESRI Grid). Files include Raster GIS (ESRI Grid format); HPAC Binary (Hazard Prediction Assessment Capability compressed binary format); ESRI binary raster format.

    Data and functional updates for the LandScan 2013 release include:

    • Census data updates from various countries from the 2010-2013 census rounds. Population distribution data are refined over previous years. For temporal consistency, data were normalized to match the July 2013 national population estimates from the CIA World Factbook.
    • ORNL reports that “due to the dramatic effects on population distribution precipitated by the ongoing crisis in Syria . . . the total population for Syria and the neighboring nations were adjusted to account for refugee and internally displaced persons movements as of June 2014.”
    • Improved delineation and characterization of settlements using the high-resolution imagery from ORNL's "Settlement Mapper Tool". Refinements this year added data for thousands of smaller villages and settlements, and mitigated input data anomalies.
    • Use of NGA sources including Controlled Image Base (CIB) imagery, imagery from the Digital Globe's Global Enhanced GEOINT Delivery, and other high-resolution imager sources for verification and validation, including mitigation of input data anomalies.

    LandScan Global Archive

    The LandScan Global Archive, initially released in March 2013, is a compilation of the historical LandScan data sets beginning in 2000 up through the year prior to the current release, e.g. currently 2000-2011 (excluding the initial pilot edition from 1998 which was not intended for public consumption). Note that the level of detail and accuracy varies for earlier years, since the data compilers have continued to improve the type of sources (imaging etc.) and analytical algorithms applied. It is available for purchase by libraries that have purchased the current data set. The data is available in the original GIS format via FTP; upon request it can be provided as a DVD.


    LandScan data is available through three methods:FTP for raw data delivery, OGC Web Services (online access for GIS users), or a WebApp (online access for non-GIS users) developed by East View. In the web application, which has been developed to support easy viewing and analysis by non-GIS users, selection of a specific geographic region results in graphic visualization of the population levels in addition to charts representing population distribution by age and gender. Background views can be set to show topography, maps, or satellite imagery. Land cover features are shown, as well as buildings and other elements in more densely populated areas.

    The data can be licensed for export to specific proprietary applications.

    East View offers a single portal page for access to both the current and archived editions (for those acquiring the LandScan Global Archive). A graphical browse is provided for each year of the archival edition. Note that users must take into account that the accuracy and amount of detail is not as great for earlier years of the dataset.


    The current year of LandScan data and tools is available by subscription.

    The LandScan Global Archive is sold as a complete set. Separate maintenance fees do not apply for the archive. Libraries that purchase the archive must also have purchased the current year.

    Strengths and Weaknesses

    This sophisticated, authoritative, and up-to-date set of data is suitable for a variety of uses by experienced researchers. East View and ORNL note that LandScan can be a valuable resource not only for academic research, but also for policy makers and organizations providing development aid or disaster assistance. For undergraduate instruction and research, other sources of census and geographic information are probably adequate and easier to use, although the web application developed by East View does make the data more approachable.


    Center for Research Libraries

    • Virginia Kerr - Digital Program Manager


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