Manchester Shakespeare

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    Manchester Shakespeare is a new digital collection from Manchester University Press.  This collection provides access to 38 eBooks covering historical, social, and cultural critiques of Shakespeare and his contemporaries' works, such as Sepnser, Kyd, Marlowe, and Lyly.

    May 17, 2024 7:37pm
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    Manchester Shakespeare is a new digital collection from Manchester University Press.  This collection provides access to 38 eBooks covering historical, social, and cultural critiques of Shakespeare and his contemporaries' works, such as Sepnser, Kyd, Marlowe, and Lyly.

    Manchester Shakespeare - 2018 Collection List of Titles:

    ISBN      Title

    9781781704684  A familiar compound ghost

    9781526115720  As you like it

    9780719098796  Between two stools

    9781526110633  Biblical Women in early modern literary culture

    9781526107046  Conversions

    9781526101952  Coriolanus

    9781526102997  Cultural value in twenty-first-century England: The Case of Shakespeare

    9781526108944  Doing Kyd: Essays on the Spanish Tragedy

    9781526110992  Essex

    9780719079702  European Erotic Romance

    9781526106506  Finding Shakespeare's New Place

    9781526111036  Formal matters

    9781526111050  Free Will

    9781847793096  French origins of English tragedy

    9781781706343  French Reflections in the Shakespearean Tragic

    9781526117694  Interweaving myths in Shakespeare and his contemporaries

    9781526101860  John Lyly and early modern authorship

    9781526102478  Julius Caesar

    9781781705100  Literature and psychoanalysis

    9781784996796  Love, history and emotion in Chaucer and Shakespeare

    9781526103277  Making and unmaking in early modern English drama

    9781847792891  Mothers and meaning on the early modern English stage

    9781847793515  On Anachronism

    9781526109194  Renaissance psychologies: Spenser and Shakespeare

    9781847791917  Robert Southwell

    9781847791696  Shakespeare and laughter

    9780719066375  Shakespeare and Scotland

    9781847791764  Shakespeare and Spenser

    9780719076671  Shakespeare for the wiser sort

    9780719070754  Shakespeare’s histories and counter-histories

    9781526107824  Shakespeare's cinema of love

    9781526115461  Shakespeare's London 1613

    9781526111852  Shakespeare's storms

    9781526130532  Spectacular Performances

    9781526107893  Tasso's art and afterlives

    9780719098956  The Renaissance of emotion

    9781526101914  Titus Andronicus

    9781847794390  Who the Devil taught thee so much Italian?’


    The collection is available as a one-time purchase for perpetual access to all ebooks in the collection plus in perpetuity.

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