Nineteenth Century British Library Newspapers (British Library Newspapers, Parts I and II)

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    As part of  the JISC Digitisation Programme,  this resource has over 3 million pages from approx. 70 national and regional newspapers in 19th Century British Library Newspapers Parts 1 and 2.

    Oct 11, 2018 11:43am
    Resource Types

    Metadata Standards

    Metadata fields provided for this collection are:

    • title
    • article
    • author
    • page
    • issue
    • publication location
    • date
    • article type

    Marc Records

    MARC records are available.

    Search Options

    Basic, advanced, and fuzzy search options are available. Searches can be made by keyword, title, and full text; and can be limited by date, title, place, frequency, language, and illustration.

    Post Search Options

    Documents can be saved, printed, and emailed.

    Usage Statistics

    COUNTER compliant user statistics are available.


    Authentication is via the UK Access Management Federation, Athens, and IP range. Further authentication details are available from the Gale / Cengage website.

    Community Ratings

    Content scope and completeness
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