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    The PrivCo database provides extensive private company financial information for over 500,000 companies.  It includes data on private company investors, M&A deals, private firm valuations, venture capital funding, private equity deals, private and family ownership breakdowns, bankruptcies, restructuring, and more.

    May 31, 2024 4:27pm
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    The PrivCo database provides extensive private company financial information for over 500,000 companies.  One important feature of PrivCo is the ability to understand how private companies raise capital in all its details. In fact, financing and acquisitions transactions are a chief source of concrete data on private companies, in the absence of the published quarterly information required by the SEC for publicly held corporations.  PrivCo includes extensive venture capital, private equity and angel investor information.  M&A deal formation can be searched by company name, geography, and deal type.

    Whether searching for information for investors or companies, PrivCo allows information to be filtered in a variety of ways.  The user can search by specific investors or companies.  The user can also build lists of companies by searching on geography, industry type, and in the case of venture capital investing, type of investor (angel, family office, hedge fund, etc.) or deal round, which is funding usually provided on the same date by an investor or group of investors.

    The private company information is fairly detailed with a fair amount of financials, detailed descriptions, business overviews and news. PrivCo gets this information from harvesting and editing news reports, and from government filings, as well as directly from the companies themselves.

    2016 Data Updates:

    • 280,000 company contact names and titles have been added to existing profiles.
    • 100,000+ M&A deals are undergoing quality assurance processes and are soon to be published online for users
    • The database has grown by 65,933 private companies.

    2017 Data Updates:

    PrivCo went online in 2011 with approximately 7,500 private companies. The PrivCo database now includes:

    • 940,080 Private Companies
    • 20,612 Private Market Investors
    • 60,179 M&A Deals
    • 93,535 Venture Capital Funding Rounds

    A nice feature is the ability to search the company reports by keyword, which is helpful for locating companies that might have a business specialty that is narrower than what the NAICS (North American Industrial Classification) allows.  There is also an industry search enabling the user to click on predefined industries and view private companies.  The pre-defined list also presents narrower choices than NAICS categories.  For example, you can search for companies within the PrivCo criteria of‘"green transportation," "smart grid," and more. 

    Navigation is quite easy and all the financial data can be downloaded to Excel.  A recently added feature of this database is the Company Watch List and Alerts.  This allows for company tracking which will then push out news and new descriptions, via e-mail, to individual user accounts (see below under "terms" for more on these accounts).

    Features in the works:

    • LinkedIn integration into the PrivCo platform, so that users can directly contact officers or employees at a specific firm.
    • Profile pages for company officers as well as companies themselves.
    • Logos/graphics added on company profile pages
    • A more advanced keyword search infrastructure 

    2017 Update:

    Google Search Plug-In: This tool enables users to access a company's profile on PrivCo from the company's website. Google Chrome Plug-in can be added, and is included with the subscription.  Google Chrome Plug-in can be added via: Google Chrome Plug-in


    Individuals using PrivCo at institutions licensing the database must create "personalized" login accounts in order to view and download data. There are annual usage limits on the extent of content which can be accessed through these accounts, but they are fairly generous: 1200 unique views of profiles, 1200 profile export records, and 1200 profile downloads as PDF files. Additionally the vendor has authorized an annual limit of transactions on documentation of deals: 600 each for unique views, export records, and PDF downloads.Those faculty or library staff members desiring to increase usage for larger projects can contact a PrivCo account manager for specific adjustments to the limits.

    Access to the login accounts, once created through a university email address, is available both through IP range and an institution's proxy server. Walk-in users can be assigned a temporary username/password according to the discretion of the institution.

    Strengths and Weaknesses

    PrivCo continues to make great strides and it is much improved over the last time the reviewer examined it a couple of years ago.  While CapIQ provides similar information, PrivCo is much more reasonably priced.  It makes what previously was elusive or very expensive information on private companies, venture capital, private equity, M&A deals much more accessible. At the same time, the user must consider whether current information is provided at a consistent level of depth for all companies and all sectors, since valuation data typically becomes available when a firm is under consideration for acquisition or a major investment.



    Carol Doyle, Business Collection Development Librarian         

    Northwestern University Library


    Additional Reviews in Other Sources

    Artemchik, Terri.  "Privco" Journal of Busines & Finance Librarianship, 20:224-236, 2015.

    Wu, Kerry. "PrivCo." The Charleston Advisor Volume 14, Number 3. January 2013. pp 44-46.

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