Punch, 1841-1992

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    This digital collection presents the full run of Punch magazine from its start until its initial demise, from 1841-1992. The re-launched version from 1996-2002 is not included.

    May 31, 2024 4:27pm
    Resource Types
    Collection Content

    This digital collection presents the full run of Punch magazine from its start until its initial demise, from 1841-1992. The re-launched version from 1996-2002 is not included.

    This title stood out for its satirical humor. It provides an important record of British literary life and society, and reflects the extent of its impact abroad.  The magazine included essays, articles, and political cartoons. The term cartoon originated with Punch, borrowing a term previously used for artists’ sketches to describe the genre of political cartoons so closely identified with the publication. The masthead displayed a caricature of the title’s inspiration, Mr. Punch of the Punch and Judy puppet shows. Having already become a common household reference by the late 1840s, Punch enjoyed wide circulation reaching to 100,000 by 1910.1  The digital collection incorporates other features issued with Punch, including popular annual Almanacs, indices, and special issues. Punch content was included in The Times, and its cartoonists often commented on items reported in The Times.

    A great number of prominent British and American literary figures and graphic artists were associated with Punch, including Charles Dickens and one of Dickens’s illustrators. Later contributors included Malcolm Muggeridge (editor 1953-1957), Somerset Maugham, Sylvia Plath, and P.G. Wodehouse. The audience included the British royal family, as well as British and American authors.

    This collection is being digitized from original copies, including color illustrations. It is estimated to total around 300,000 pages, and will launch in late spring 2014.


    The content will be searchable through the Newsvault platform along with other newspapers from the publisher; it will also have its own interface.

    Strengths and Weaknesses

    This is an important publication reflecting the culture of its times. It will be very valuable to have the illustrations represented in color, in addition to text which can be searched along with other historical digital collections from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.


    Center for Research Libraries Staff


    1 Punch (magazine) Wikipedia  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Punch_magazine  accessed October 22, 2013.

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