The Shakespeare Collection

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    The Shakespeare Collection is a research environment for Shakespeare, Renaissance, Early Modern, Literary and Performance Studies and Theatre History.

    Oct 1, 2015 5:56pm

    Full Text Linking

    This resource is OpenURL compliant and SFX linking is provided.

    Federated Searching

    This resource is Z39.50 compliant. Please see the Z39.50 Connection Guide for more details.

    Metadata Standards

    The data conforms to the XML 1.0 standard using a DTD created by Thomson Gale for capture of core metadata and page level elements.

    Marc Records

    MARC records are available.

    Search Options

    • Basic search options - keyword, full text or subject
    • Advanced search - keyword, full text or subject, publisher, author, article title, document type, publication title, date
    • Full text searching within current publication
    • Journal search
    • Subject guide search
    • Browse work title
    • Browse publication titles
    • Browse content sets

    Post Search Options

    • Print, email and download
    • Infomarks and mark list
    • Search history and dictionary
    • Citation export to ProCite / Endnote
    • Compare any 2 items from the mark list

    Usage Statistics

    Usage statistics are available for this resource and are COUNTER compliant.


    Authentication is via the UK Access Management Federation, Athens, and IP addess range.


    The Shakespeare Collection complies with W3C's WAI Priority 1 and 2 Checklists.

    Community Ratings

    Content scope and completeness
    No votes yet
    Cost and price-structure
    No votes yet
    Platform and user interface
    No votes yet