S&P Capital IQ

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    S&P Capital IQ provides real-time data, research, and analytics on both public and private capital markets.

    Mar 15, 2017 2:25pm
    Collection Content

    Data on public and private companies, investment firms, capital transactions, and people. 


    Database access requires individual users to register and login. S&P does not offer an IP-authenticated model.

    Total subscription cost is based on the number of users. Access is often limited to the business school of a university, rather than the entire university population, 


    Input from MIT libraries.

    Additional Reviews in Other Sources

    Standard & Poor's NetAdvantage was reviewed in the Charleston Advisor. Harold Gee and Jin Ma, "Standard & Poor’s NetAdvantage and Mergent Online" The Charleston Advisor, September 8, 2010, 12(3): 15-22, accessed March 2017. 

    Community Ratings

    Content scope and completeness
    No votes yet
    Cost and price-structure
    No votes yet
    Platform and user interface
    No votes yet