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    The Statista database portal, maintained by the Hamburg, Germany-based Statista Inc., provides current statistical data and comparisons for an eclectic, wide-ranging, and continually updated array of topics, using both publicly accessible and proprietary sources. The open access portion of the database provides access to about 10 percent of the overall database content.

    May 31, 2024 4:27pm
    Collection Content

    The Statista database portal, developed by Statista Inc, has gained increasing use in Europe and North America. It provides current statistical data and comparisons for an eclectic, wide-ranging, and continually updated array of topics, using both publicly accessible and proprietary sources. The open access portion of the database provides access to about 10 percent of the overall database content.

    About 25 percent of the total data in Statista comes from sources available free online, such as the World Bank and the U.S. Census. But Statista also includes numerous other exclusive sources including industry, marketing, and trade groups. In 2015 Statista reported that 65% of the content is from exclusive secondary sources, and 10% from "internal sources." Sources include market forecasts, dossiers, and industry reports. The chief types of data are related to marketing, demographics, and government information. (See Appendix: Statista Source List for a list of the 500 sources most frequently cited in Statista, as of 2012.) Data are custom-combined to yield a very broad range of topics, such as these tables: “Worldwide Apple iPhone Sales since 2007”; “Number of Foreign Tourist Arrivals in India”; “Oil Imports from Iran by Country”; and “NFL Athletes’ Twitter Accounts with the Most Followers Worldwide.” New types of charts are continually added; the developers note that they update existing data when available.

    The geographic coverage is planned to be worldwide; the developers are currently expanding content on Brazil, India, and China. They are also developing customized portal interfaces for certain client markets including the UK (launched in 2015), China, and France.

    The developers note that many of Statista’s clients are global corporations outside of academia, in the private sector. The material is continually updated; some earlier reports are retained and revised as necessary with new data. For analysis of longer data series, researchers will need to consult to the original sources, which are extensively documented in a source database (the source database is not available in the open access version of Statista). The database appropriately describes itself as a “statistics portal”, although it does add value by combining various types of sources to address topics of current interest.

    Additional content as of 2015 include:

    • An Infographic Database with 2000 infographic charts.
    • Exclusive datasets: Scarborough, IPSOS, and TGI.

    As of 2017, Statista expanded their product line with "Digital Market Outlook" and "Consumer Market Outlook" add-ons. The Consumer Market Outlook product provides data on market sizes and forecasts for more than 150 consumer products and passenger cars. The product cover segments in 16 different categories from 40 countries. The Consumer Market Outlook provides information regarding: revenue performance forecast, clear market segmentation, growth rates, and comparability of all countries and markets. Most market data are updated once a year, however some data are updated on an ad hoc basis. A time stamp at the bottom of each diagram shows the latest update. 

    The Digital Market Outlook add-on provides forecasts, detailed market insights and key indicators for relevant topics of the digital economy. The data is all derived from bottom-up market modeling. Features of the outlook include: predicted revenue development, distinct market segmentation and scope, realistic growth rates, predicted user development, segment-specific penetration rates, and demographic profiles. There are 9 topic areas in the product with 36 segments, the major topics are: 

    • Digital Media 
    • FinTech
    • eTravel 
    • eServices
    • eHealth
    • Connected Car
    • Smart Home
    • e-Commerce 
    • Digital Advertising  

    Update to Review 4/16/18:

    Statista has introduced a new add-on product to their Statista Database: Global Consumer Survey.

    Global Consumer Survey as described by Statista

    • Conducted as an interactive online survey
    • Offers a global perspective on consumption and media usage, covering the offline and online world of the consumer
    • Designed to help marketers, planners and product managers understand consumer behavior and consumer interactions with brands
    • 50 + industries and topics
    • 700+ international brands
    • 27 countries
    • Do-it-yourself analyses
    • Customized target groups
    • Updated annually

    See Appendix for Brochures from Statista regarding the new add-ons. 

    Updated April 2019:

    Statista has introduced a new "Expert section of Statista," known as Business Plan Export.  According to Statista, this section provides the following:

    • Extensive data sets (digital economy + consumer goods)
    • Templates for market modeling (external perspective) and business cases (internal perspective)
    • Feasible costs and benefits breakdown
    • Individual starting date, three currencies

    This new section is available to all subscribers to Statista Expert.  Subscibers to Statista "Standard/Light" will need to upgrade to Statista Expert to gain access to this new section.


    The Statista platform was relaunched in 2015, with a goal of adding enhanced speed and navigation. Bonnie Swoger, in a review in Library Journal, described the Statista interface as “sleek” and user friendly. Although the search box is simple, the number of results can be overwhelming. The search limit functions help narrow results, but Swoger noted that limits had to be applied one at a time. The browsing capability facilitates the casual user’s selection of broad industry-based topic areas such as: Media & Advertising; Energy & Utilities; and Finance, Insurance, & Real Estate.  Subdivisions to these categories include aspects such as popular items (“top statistics” ), pricing, companies, production, and consumer behavior.

    Each table is accompanied by fairly detailed metadata that provides data source, release date, and direct link to the source where available. Identifying associated types of information is facilitated by linked keyword and topical tags. The developers report that there are over 80,000 access points for current data, including the topic areas, subdivisions, and keywords.

    Download functions are very flexible for subscribing users, including files in JPEG, PowerPoint, and Excel file formats (allowing further manipulation of the data). The academic license provides very flexible and liberal rights, permitting full publication without requiring further permission.

    Researchers wishing to use only the open access content must register by email to obtain a free account. The open access accounts have limited functionality; there is no access to specialized reports and customized data, and limited download capability.

    The interface is available in German, Spanish, and French languages as well as English. Note that some early, European-oriented content is indexed only through the German interface. Search results can be filtered by language.

    A tutorial on using Statista is available at


    Aside from the limited content in the open access version, the Statista database is available by subscription. Multiple-year subscriptions up to five years are allowed with corresponding “duration discounts”.

    Strengths and Weaknesses

    Statista is easy to use and conducive to undergraduate research and non-specialists wishing to augment investigations with an intriguing variety of data.

    For advanced data users, the biggest advantage of Statista is its inclusion of data from many individual U.S. and European companies as well as data from industry associations, government agencies, and intergovernmental organizations.  The European focus and individual company information sets Statista apart from other subscription sources of data like SimplyMap or Proquest Statistical Datasets.  While historical and time series data are not a focus of Statista, the metadata about each table will lead users to the table’s source, where historical information may be available.  Even though the download options do not include comma delimited format output or formats that load directly into specific statistical software packages, some statistical software packages can convert Excel files to their native format.  Another advantage of Statista for the advanced data user is the ability to filter search results by region and by the type of  data set (such as time series, proportions, and rankings).


    Center for Research Libraries

    • Virginia Kerr - Digital Program Manager

    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

    • Karen Hogenboom - Numeric and Spatial Data Librarian
    Additional Reviews in Other Sources

    Gullen, Amy; Plungis, Joan. "Statista." The Charleston Advisor. Volume 15, Number 2, October 2013 , pp. 43-47(5) Accessed December 5, 2013.

    Reviews in Library Journal:…; ;…


    1 Bonnie Swoger, “Statista,” Library Journal January 2012 (37:1): 139–41,

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