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    The Zetoc service provides Z39.50-compliant access to the British Library's Electronic Table of Contents (ETOC). The database contains details of approximately 20,000 current journals and 16,000 conference proceedings published per year. With over 20 million journal and conference records, Zetoc covers every imaginable subject in science, technology, medicine, engineering, business, law, finance, the arts and humanities. The database covers the years from 1993 to date and is updated daily. A list of journal titles covered by Zetoc also provides the ISSN, latest issue and date loaded.


    Oct 6, 2015 2:45pm


    Zetoc Alert is a current awareness service that sends you email alerts matching the search criteria that you have provided whenever new data is loaded into the database. The searches may be for particular journals, for authors and for keywords from the titles of articles and papers. These email Alerts will be sent on the day the new data is loaded into the database.

    Zetoc RSS provides RSS feeds for journal articles.

    Inclusion Policy

    All articles and papers are held by the British Library Document Supply Centre.

    Geographical Coverage


    Gap Fill Policy

    Yes, wherever possible.

    Archive Policy

    No. Coverage starts from 1993.

    Embargo Rules


    Update Frequency

    Daily - overnight approximately 10,000 new journal articles or conference papers are added.

    Content Classification

    DDC and LCC

    Keywords and Indexes

    BLDSC shelfmark

    Authority Files

    No. (Zetoc is used to provide authoritative journal name information for the Names project.)

    Citation Linking

    Not directly.

    Full Text Linking

    3 options are always made available to the user:

    • OpenURL & COinS
    • Inter library loan
    • British Library Direct

    Where an institution have not registered an OpenURL resolver, links are provided to search Google Scholar Scius and Copac.

    Other Information

    Access Control

    For eligibility details, see the 'Access' section of our FAQ


    For http access:

    • IP Address
    • Classic Athens
    • SAML Compliant (e.g. Shibboleth)
    • Member of UK Access Management Federation

    For Z39.50, only IP is currently available.


    An accessibility audit of the Zetoc information pages has been produced.

    Access Keys

    To make it easier to navigate to the main Zetoc facilities, access keys are being introduced. Those currently provided are:

    • 1 for the Zetoc homepage
    • 2 for Zetoc Alert
    • 3 for Site Map
    • 4 for Zetoc search
    • 5 for FAQs
    • 6 to skip the navigation bar
    • 0 for the list of access keys

    Most browsers support access keys, though older versions may not. Use of access keys varies according to machine and browser. On Windows you can usually press alt together with the access key or alt with shift and the access key. On Macintosh use Ctrl with the access key.

    Usage Stats

    Available Online

    Community Ratings

    Content scope and completeness
    No votes yet
    Cost and price-structure
    No votes yet
    Platform and user interface
    No votes yet