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    Inspec is the leading English language bibliographic information service providing access to the World's scientific & technical literature in physics, electrical engineering, electronics, communications, control engineering, computing, information technology, manufacturing, production and mechanical engineering.

    Oct 6, 2015 2:49pm

    Inclusion Policy

    Provided they come within the scope of the above subject areas we cover all journals, conference proceedings and conference papers in journals. We also cover Books, Book Chapters, Reports, Patents (GB and US published during 1969 - 1976) and dissertations. Information is taken from print, web and electronic sources.

    Geographical Coverage

    • World

    Gap Fill Policy

    Important journals which are abstracted completely are filled for completeness.

    Archive Policy

    We do not currently go back to vol. 1 No. 1 for newly included titles.

    Embargo Rules


    Update Frequency


    Content Classification

    Our classification system comprises 3248 classifications, enabling the searcher to narrow a search to very specific subject areas. It is updated annually.

    Keywords and Indexes

    • We provide a comprehensive set of 9300 thesaurus terms and 8449 lead ins. These are updated annually to ensure their relevance to current technologies.
    • Important inorganic chemical information is indexed with Chemical Indexing.
    • Important numerical information is indexed with Numerical Indexing.
    • Astronomical objects are indexed with Astronomical Object Indexing.
    • Treatment Codes.

    Authority Files

    We use Authority files for journals, author names and affiliations. In addition to the above we also have authority files for; thesaurus terms; classification codes; language; country, state and province; standard abbreviations for affiliations; numerical indexing quantities and units; and chemical indexing.

    Citation Linking

    Citation linking is available via ISI Web of Knowledge, STN, Dialog, Datastar and Questel.Orbit.

    Full Text Linking

    Inspec is Open URL aware. Digital Object Identifiers (DOI's) are added to the database as they become available. 55 % of new records being added to the database have them. DOI's are included in Inspec records on Ovid, SilverPlatter, EBSCO, Engineering Village, ISI Web of Knowledge, Inspec Web, OCLC and Fiz-Technik.

    Community Ratings

    Content scope and completeness
    No votes yet
    Cost and price-structure
    No votes yet
    Platform and user interface
    No votes yet