NA Publishing


    NA Publishing was established in 2005.  It purports to specialize in "comprehensive solutions for serials archiving in the library market..." NAPC provides various services, such as digitization and microfilming, metadata capture & creation; text conversion; custom output formatting; film duplication & replacement; and archive hosting. 



    Type of Organization
    Provider Role(s)
    Year established
    Still in Operation
    Resource Types

    NA Publishing was founded in 2005 as "National Archive Publishing Company" (NAPCO), by former ProQuest executives through the purchase of serial microfilm and course-material assets from ProQuest for $30 million.[1]. NA Publishing acquired UMI's "Periodicals in Microform" product line and vault, comprising more than 18,000 titles of serials from publishers around the world. NAPCO was purchased by Superior Capital Partners L.L.C. in 2009, and re-branded the company NAPC Holdings L.L.C. (NAPC). It further rebranded  as "NA Publishing Inc." in 2015 when it was acquired by "Image Data Conversion, LLC," itself a spinoff from UMI as the former microfilm operations center and now an independent company under the same management team as NA Publishing (Jeff Moyer, President, and Joe Mills, Managing Director). "IDC" (unrelated to IDC Publishers acquired by Brill in 2006) also owns eBeam Film (acquired in 2012) and launched Reveal Digital in 2013.[2]



    Financial Information

    ProQuest retains the right of access to the corpus of microforms purchased by NA Publishing in 2005, for purposes of digitizing and repurposing microformatted content. 

    Governance: Board / Owners / Parent organization

    The NA Publishing Company is a privately owned, for-profit corporation, based in Ann Arbor, Michigan.  NA Publishing also owns XanEdu Publishing, Inc, publisher of customized course materials for the higher education market. XanEdu's previous CEO was Alar Elken, who also served as CEO of NA Publishing from 2011 to 2013. Elken became president of Readex (A division of NewsBank) in 2014. 

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