Cinema Image Gallery

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    Cinema Image Gallery is a rich digital resource of cinema and television images, and accompanying historical and biographical data. All material is cleared for educational use.

    Oct 1, 2015 5:56pm
    Subject Areas
    Resource Types

    Full Text Linking

    The supplementary full text articles included in Cinema Image Gallery are not accessible as targets to OpenURL link resolvers. They may be used as the source of an OpenURL query.

    Federated Searching

    This resource is Z39.50 compliant.

    WilsonWeb supports all known major vendors’ federated search clients. Details are available at:

    Metadata Standards

    Wilson databases are compliant with all known metadata standards.

    Marc Records

    Full level MARC bibliographic records for every full text electronic journal in a database is available upon request. The MARC record meets full compliance and includes the OCLC record number, ISSN, and a Persistent URL in the 856 field, in load ready format.

    Search Options

    WilsonWeb offers two search modes: Basic Search and Advanced Search. The default search mode is Advanced Search.

    1. Basic Search
      In the Basic Search mode, the searcher selects one or more databases, enters words, terms, or phrases as either a Natural Language or Boolean Search. The system searches the terms entered as keywords
    2. Advanced Search
      The Advanced Search mode presents a variety of options to help the user construct an effective search in that specific database. In addition to entering one or more search terms, the searcher may combine terms using Boolean operators (default is "and") and specify the field in which the terms appear. The searcher may also customize the sort order and elect to limit the search by full text, date, document type and/or physical descriptors
    3. Browsing
      The WilsonWeb Browse feature offers lists of subjects, sources, authors, document types, materials accompanying articles, and much more
    4. Searching from the thesaurus
      Wilson has developed an expansive thesaurus feature to assist searchers in effective controlled vocabulary (subject) searching. This is another tool that allows a student to take full advantage of the Wilson indexing vocabulary without knowing in advance the preferred terms to be used
    5. Using search history
      The user can save search results for future sessions, view search histories, update saved searches, or retrieve new records added to the database since the user’s last search. Saved searches may be modified or combined with other searches to create a new search strategy from the Search History page. The Search History screen is a dynamic, powerful, and flexible tool

    Post Search Options

    Users may print, save and email search results.

    Users may export records to EndNote and RefWorks.

    Usage Statistics

    Usage statistics are available for Cinema Image Gallery and are ICOLC compliant.


    Authentication is provided via the UK Access Management Federation, Athens, and IP address range.


    WilsonWeb is compliant with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, designed to improve access and functionality for individuals with disabilities. WilsonWeb also meets current international guidelines for user accessibility.

    Additional Reviews in Other Sources

    Powers, Audrey. "Cinema Image Gallery." The Charleston Advisor. July 2010. pp. 13-14. Accessed November 26, 2013.

    Community Ratings

    Content scope and completeness
    No votes yet
    Cost and price-structure
    No votes yet
    Platform and user interface
    No votes yet