Klapp-Online, Bibliography of French Literature

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    In 2012, the long-established Klapp bibliography of French literature was converted into a database covering the years 1991–2011, presented as Klapp-Online. Annual updates will be released each fall, integrated with the cumulative coverage. The publishers plan to continue with annual printed volumes as well.

    May 31, 2024 4:27pm
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    In 2012 the long-established Klapp bibliography of French literature was converted into a database covering the years 1991–2011, presented as Klapp-Online. Annual updates will be released each fall, integrated with the cumulative coverage. The publishers plan to continue with annual printed volumes as well.

    The Klapp bibliography was begun by Otto Klapp in the early 1960s. It has been considered a comprehensive and authoritative review of publications on all periods of French literature from medieval through contemporary. The cumulative online compilation for the years 1991–2011 includes around 320,000 indexed article titles, 80,000 authors, and 111,000 aubject terms, generated from over 1,400 different journals. Current sources for indexing also include some monographs and "omnibus" volumes.


    In addition to indexes of article titles, authors, and subjects, Klapp-Online offers full text searching of the content covered from 1991 to 2011. Users can filter search results by several additional criteria. The online edition is available in three languages: German, English, and French.

    A new interface, launched in 2015, includes the following features:

    • simple search (search slot) and advanced search via title, author, subject etc.;
    • download of the years 1956 –1990 as searchable PDF files;
    • comfortable browsing result lists;
    • generation and download of personal lists of selected titles (RIS, MARC, HTML);
    • download to established reference management software (e.g. Citavi, Zotero, RefWorks);
    • setup of link resolvers;
    • user statistics;

    The database is offered for annual subscription. Subscribers can also obtain a discount price on the printed edition.

    Since the database is continuously expanded every year, Klostermann does not offer post-cancellation access to Klapp-Online.


    Center for Research Libraries

    • Virginia Kerr - Digital Program Manager
    Additional Reviews in Other Sources

    Hearn, Nick "Review of a digital resource:  Klapp-Online"  in French Studies Library Group Annual Review.  Issue 13 (2016-17), p. 30-36.


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