Corporación Latinobarómetro


    Non-profit non-governmental organization based in Santiago de Chile, that collects, distributes, and analyzes public opinion data from Latin America.

    Type of Organization
    Provider Role(s)
    Year established
    Still in Operation
    Main Address

    Europa 2015, Departamento D. Providencia
    Santiago de Chile

    Subject Areas
    Mission Statement

    "Latinobarómetro Corporation researches the development of democracy and economies as well as societies, using indicators of opinion, attitudes, behaviour and values." (accessed January 2017) 


    Established in 1995.

    Financial Information

    "[Latinobarometro] has received and it receives financing from multiple sources that include international organizations, Latin American and non-Latin American governments and the private sector, among others: IADB (Inter-American Development Bank), UNDP (United Nations Development Programme), AECI (Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional), SIDA (Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency), CIDA (Canadian International Development Agency), CAF (Corporación Andina de Fomento), OAS (Organization of American States), United States Office of Research, IDEA International, UK Data Archive". -- (accessed January 2017) 

    Governance: Board / Owners / Parent organization

    The organization is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of scholars and public policy experts, IGO and Chilean government officials,  An International Advisory Board consists of academic social scientists of international standing.

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