EBSCO Information Services


    Publisher and aggregator of electronic journals, e-books, databases and other content, based in Ipswich, Massachusetts. EBSCO also offers EBSCO Discovery Service, a content discovery platform for libraries.  

    EBSCO Information Services is a division of EBSCO Industries, Inc., one of the largest privately held companies in the United States.

    Type of Organization
    Provider Role(s)
    Alternative Names
    Prior Names
    Elton B. Stephens Company
    Parent Organization
    EBSCO Industries, Inc.
    Year established
    Still in Operation
    Main Address

    10 Estes Street
    Ipswich, MA 01938
    United States

    Founded in 1943 by Elton B. Stephens, as the Elton B. Stephens Company. 
    February 2015:  EBSCO Information Services has bought YBP Library Services. EBSCO: "This acquisition ensures YBP's continuing role as the primary book supplier to academic libraries in the years to come."    
    Financial Information

    As of January 2015, EBSCO maintained a Dun & Bradstreet financial strength rating of 5A1.

    EBSCO Industries, Inc. the parent company, is family-owned.

    Annual sales in 2001 surpassed $1.3 billion. 

    Governance: Board / Owners / Parent organization

    EBSCO isowned by the family of the founder, Elton B. Stephens.  Several family members serve in leadership roles.  

    Technical Information

    In September 2015, EBSCO announced that "EBSCO will be taking part in Portico’s D-Collection Preservation Service which preserves digitized historic collections on behalf of participating publishers. This service is solely supported by publishers that have committed their collections to the archive and more than 120 d-collections are preserved in Portico today."  Portico was certified by CRL in 2010 as a trusted digital repository for e-journal content.   

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