Minnesota Population Center


    The Minnesota Population Center (MPC) is an interdisciplinary cooperative for demographic research, based at the University of Minnesota.  MPC develops, gathers and processes demographic data, for faculty and research scientists at the University of Minnesota, and demographic researchers worldwide. MPS maintains and administers several social science databases, including IPUMS.

    Provider Role(s)
    Parent Organization
    University of Minnesota
    Year established
    Still in Operation
    Main Address

    Minneapolis, MN
    United States

    Mission Statement
    1. To develop the intellectual community of demographers at Minnesota and foster connections among
    population researchers across disciplines.
    2. To assist investigators in developing demographic research proposals.
    3. To provide technical and administrative support for population research projects.
    4. To develop a coherent program of graduate training that will provide students with broad knowledge in
    population studies and specialized training in demographic techniques.
    5. To serve the community through research and training on state and metropolitan population issues, data
    services, and translational activities.
    6. To produce and disseminate nationally and internationally recognized research and data products for
    population research.
    Governance: Board / Owners / Parent organization

    The MPC Director and Associate Director oversee and coordinate the day-to-day activities of the Center. "The Directors consult with the Advisory Board about major budgetary issues and new Center initiatives. The Advisory Board is responsible for approving admission of new members. MPC provides support to our members through shared research support cores."  -- https://www.pop.umn.edu/about (February 2015).

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