LLMC-Digital, the online platform of the nonprofit Law Library Microform Consortium, makes a wide range of legal and governmental publications available online for the use of the academic community. The content and interface of LLMC-Digital are reviewed here; its value for use in historical research is compared to other databases in a CRL topic guide.
The Statista database portal, maintained by the Hamburg, Germany-based Statista Inc., provides current statistical data and comparisons for an eclectic, wide-ranging, and continually updated array of topics, using both publicly accessible and proprietary sources. The open access portion of the database provides access to about 10 percent of the overall database content.
Gale Cengage has designed Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO) to be an extensive database with multiple content types, covering most regions of the world. The collection is in a rolling release of twelve modules over several years, with the initial four collection modules (called “Archives” by Gale) released in spring 2012.
The First World War: Personal Experiences allows researchers to explore the individual accounts, trench literature, and images of war collected from the citizens, soldiers, and military leaders serving on various sides in World War I.
State Papers Online is a comprehensive collection of primary source British documents. Four modules covering 1509 to 1714, the period of the Tudor and Stuart monarchies, have already been completed; a new collection for the 18th century (covering 1714 to 1782) will be released in three modules, beginning in summer 2013. This wealth of digitized documents includes manuscript correspondence, reports, Parliamentary drafts, and depositions on domestic and foreign affairs.
First published on November 1, 1949, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung is one of the major daily newspapers in Germany. Its intended scope covers a comprehensive range of topics in Germany and internationally.
Aside from the current news website (http://www.faz.net), F.A.Z. offers three archival products that cover the entire previous history of the publication:
Based on Joseph Sabinʼs bibliography, Bibliotheca Americana, this digital collection from Gale Cengage provides a variety of material published about the Americas between 1500 and 1926. Included are works from Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Cuba, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, Peru, Philippines, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States, and Venezuela.
Developed by University of Oxford faculty and staff under auspices of the Bodleian Libraries and first released in 2008, Electronic Enlightenment is a comprehensive collection of letters and other correspondence with scholarly annotations providing a unique viewpoint of the early modern time period and its residents. Covering Europe, the Americas, and portions of Asia from the 17th through the 19th centuries, the EE project is, in its own words, “reconnecting the first global social network”.