Antigua, slavery and emancipation in the records of a sugar plantation, 1689-1907

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    Antigua, slavery and emancipation in the records of a sugar plantation, 1689-1907 provides access to 25,432 pages of Tudway of Wells Antiguan Estate papers, 1689-1907. 

    Oct 3, 2017 3:25pm
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    This collection provides access to 25,432 pages of Tudway of Wells Antiguan Estate papers, 1689-1907.  MAP states, "The Tudway of Wells papers are the most complete surviving private records pertaining to an Antiguan Sugar plantation; due in no small part to the arms-length nature of the plantation's ownership rendering correspondence between owners and managers essential. A combination of statistical ledgers and narrative correspondence yields quantitative and qualitative information to the researcher. The period covered by these records encompasses the un-phased transition of Antiguan slaves from slavery to waged work. In relation to the history of colonialism there are records of how much was paid for slaves, how much was raised through sales of sugar, details of how the operations of the plantation were managed, work regimes, and a virtually complete set of annual accounts for the Parham Plantation from 1689 to 1920. The correspondence between the Tudway family in Britain and their plantation managers in Antigua includes work regimes, health conditions among labourers, and the management practices of attorneys, managers and overseers. The post-1834 content has received little attention over the years, despite its coverage of the post-emancipation societal transition period and the historical significance of this period in setting and entrenching the cultural paradigm from which an independent Antigua would have to emerge. Derived from the online guide by Dr Kenneth Morgan."

    The 6 volumes in this collection are the following:

    1. Estate Accounts: estate accounts from Tudway of Wells' Antiguan

    2. Accounts and Pay Lists for the Old Works, New Works and Parham Lodge

    3. Annual Plantation and Estate Accounts

    4. Letterbooks and Correspondence from England and Antigua

    5. Monthly Journals and Returns of Old Works, New Works, and Parham Lodge

    6. Miscellaneous including slave lists

    The content in this collection comes from  the Somerset Record Office.


    This collection is only available as a one-time purchase.  An annual maintenance fee of  £300 (GBP) applies to this purchase.

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