Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL)

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    The Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL) is the world’s largest open access digital library for biodiversity literature and archives. BHL operates as a worldwide consortium of natural history, botanical, research, and national libraries working together to address this challenge by digitizing the natural history literature held in their collections and making it freely available for open access as part of a global “biodiversity community.”

    Jun 13, 2019 11:50am
    Subject Areas
    Resource Types
    Collection Content

    The BHL portal provides free access to thousands of biodiversity literature and archival volumes, comprising over 55 million pages, from the 15th-21st centuries. The BHL operates as a consortium of natural history, botanical, research, and national libraries that work together to digitize the natural history literature held in their collections and making it freely available for open access. 

    The core of the BHL collection is focused on the subject matter relevant to the work of zoologists, botanists, evolutionary biologists, taxonomists, systematists, ecologists, natural history collections managers, scientific illustrators, biological science historiographers, and amateur scientists & hobbyists. In selecting materials for digitization, the consortium tries to maximize scanning dollars by prioritizing the core literature from partner's collections, especially those titles that have a high concentration of taxonomic names.

    The types of materials in the BHL collection include: Books and Journals, Article Metadata (not Articles), Archival Materials, Book-like objects, and links to materials on third-party websites. 

    The consortium works with the international taxonomic community, publishers, bioinformaticians, and information technology professionals to develop tools and services to facilitate greater access, interoperability, and reuse of content and data. BHL provides a range of services, data exports, and APIs to allow users to download content, harvest source data files, and reuse materials for research purposes. Through the Global Names Recognition and Discovery (GNRD) service, BHL indexes the taxonomic names throughout the collection, allowing researchers to locate publications about specific taxa.


    The BHL portal provides free access to digitized volumes, comprising over 55 million pages, from the 15th-21st centuries. In addition to public domain content, BHL works with rights holders to obtain permission to make in-copyright materials openly available under Creative Commons licenses.

    Search and advanced search capabilities are available to users.  Additionally, collection content can be browsed by: title, author, date, colleciton or contributor. 

    Strengths and Weaknesses

    See 2015 ITHAKA S+R report, on challenges to BHL growth, sustainability.

    Community Ratings

    Content scope and completeness
    No votes yet
    Cost and price-structure
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    Platform and user interface
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