British History Online: premium content

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    British History Online – Premium Content is a digital library of the core printed primary and secondary sources for the medieval and early modern history of Britain made up of 122 volumes of the Calendar of State Papers, Domestic and the Calendars of State Papers for Scotland and Ireland, the Parliament Rolls of Medieval England, and the National Archives Calendar of Close Rolls;    The online calendar texts are fully cross-searchable with a range of other material for the early modern period, and offer scholars the opportunity to comment on, and correct, the recognised shortcomings of some volumes.

    Oct 1, 2015 5:56pm

    Metadata Standards

    Dublin Core standard metadata is currently supported, electronically generated citation present on every document.

    Search Options

    Powered by Google Mini, results are filtered by individual publication, source, period, subject, and place. Four search variables are available:

    • all of the words
    • exact phrase
    • at least one of the words
    • none of the words

    Post Search Options

    In addition to a link to document option, refine search options are as above. Planned future options are: link to document and jump to match, refine by applicable taxonomy, refine by individual date.

    Usage Statistics

    Usage statstics are available and are COUNTER compliant.


    Authentication is via the UK Access Management Federation, username and password and  IP range.


    The site complies with WAI Priority 1 accessibility standards.

    Community Ratings

    Content scope and completeness
    No votes yet
    Cost and price-structure
    No votes yet
    Platform and user interface
    No votes yet