British Humanities Index (BHI)

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    BHI indexes over 320 internationally respected humanities journals and weekly magazines published in the UK and other English speaking countries, as well as quality newspapers published in the UK. Regular monthly updates ensure subscribers can retrieve the latest material on a wide range of arts and humanities subjects

    Oct 6, 2015 2:47pm
    Subject Areas
    Resource Types

    Inclusion Policy

    Major areas of coverage include:

    • Architecture
    • Archaeology
    • Art
    • Antiques
    • Cinema
    • Current Affairs
    • Education
    • Economics
    • Environment
    • Foreign Affairs
    • Gender Studies
    • History
    • Language
    • Law
    • Linguistics
    • Literature
    • Music
    • Painting
    • Philosophy
    • Poetry
    • Political Science
    • Religion
    • Theatre

    Geographical Coverage

    • World

    Gap Fill Policy

    Missing issues - we do our best to acquire the information, either by purchase, or via the publisher's website. We don't have the resources to visit libraries to complete runs of journals. We also prioritise recent gaps, so a gap in cover in the last five years would be more likely to be filled than a gap further back, and obviously a large gap is harder (costs more) to fill than a small one.

    Archive Policy

    We don't normally go back and cover retrospectively as we don't want to take resources away from current content creation and we prioritise new titles being published now. An exception would be where we were taking on a new title with less than 5 years backfile.

    Embargo Rules


    Update Frequency


    Content Classification

    Information not provided

    Keywords and Indexes

    Completely interactive thesaurus

    Citation Linking

    None is available yet in BHI but this is planned for a future release.

    Full Text Linking

    • OpenURL
    • Link to Holdings (catalogues)
    • Fulltext linking - to either full aggregator packages or individual journal titles
    • Document Delivery Services
    • Inter library loan forms
    • Journal management systems

    Community Ratings

    Content scope and completeness
    No votes yet
    Cost and price-structure
    No votes yet
    Platform and user interface
    No votes yet