British Online Archives: World War II

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    British Online Archives: World War II is a thematic series contained as a sub-set within the digitized archival content known as British Online Archives (BOA), distributed by Microform Academic Publishers (MAP). 

    May 17, 2024 7:37pm
    Collection Content

    British Online Archives: World War II is a thematic series contained as a sub-set within the digitized archival content known as British Online Archives (BOA), distributed by Microform Academic Publishers (MAP). 

    This series contains the following titles:

    Hitler's Army, Nazi Germany at war and the Nuremburg trials, 1925-1956 116,429
    Military intelligence files: Land, Sea & Air, 1938-1974 73,344
    Anglo-American clandestine co-operation during World War II (official title to follow) 40,000


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