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log in or sign upThis is the world's definitive scholarly business database, providing the leading collection of bibliographic and full text content. Business Source Complete contains far more active, peer-reviewed, business related journals than any other database currently available. As part of the comprehensive coverage offered by this database, indexing and abstracts for the most important scholarly business journals back as far as 1886 are included.
In addition to the searchable cited references provided for more than 1,300 journals, Business Source Complete contains detailed author profiles for the 40,000 most-cited authors in the database. Journal ranking studies reveal that Business Source Complete is the overwhelmingly superior database for full text journals in all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance and economics. Additional full text, non-journal content includes financial data, books, monographs, major reference works, conference proceedings, case studies, investment research reports, industry reports, market research reports, country reports, company profiles, SWOT analyses and more.
Regional Business News is a supplemental database for customers of Business Source Complete. With daily updates, Regional Business News provides comprehensive full text for regional business publications (including titles from Crain Communications). Regional Business News has full text for nearly 100 sources.
With regard to Business Source Complete, EBSCO provides cover-to-cover indexing and abstracts, regardless of article length or content, for all magazine or journal articles as well as cover-to-cover full text for all magazine or journal articles for which we have rights, with the following exceptions:
EBSCO's goal is to provide complete coverage for advertised date ranges. Because we have done an enormous, unprecedented "backfile" project to expand the archival coverage of Business Source Complete, there are instances where difficulty exists in obtaining the particular issues of a given journal. Though this is rare, this exists only because titles have been brought back to volume one, issue one on many occasions, and even the publishers do not have some of the older issues for EBSCO to process.
To fill these random gaps in coverage, EBSCO has a dedicated Sourcing group that manages borrowing relationships with established libraries. Material is identified, borrowed within a specified time period and returned in its original condition. The generosity of these libraries makes it possible for EBSCO to process very old and rare material which may not otherwise be found. EBSCO will also purchase material from fulfillment facilities based on availability. To conclude, gaps in coverage are not prevalent, and would only be associated with "difficult to obtain" titles for which EBSCO has expanded backfile coverage. Our efforts to fill any holes are ongoing.
EBSCO provides the most comprehensive PDF backfiles for scholarly business journals. EBSCO establishes licensing rights with publishers in order to process content for its publications. EBSCO has been very successful in gaining the rights to provide coverage of key journals back to volume one issue one. Although it is near impossible for EBSCO to provide complete backfiles for all titles in the database, EBSCO's goal is to provide the deepest possible archival coverage for the most highly-ranked business journals. EBSCO's efforts in this area have resulted in the availability of complete backfile coverage for hundreds of titles, including the most renowned publications.
Embargoes are part of the landscape when it comes to academic aggregated databases. These publisher-imposed delays are applied to preserve print and e-journal subscriptions against possible cancellation at the discretion of the individual publisher. As such, embargoes are almost always identical across competing databases - unless one database does not provide full text access to a given journal at all. Although embargoes are sometime viewed as a hindrance to full text access, the fact is that if not for embargoes, full text for many journals would not be available in databases at all. The question to consider is: Is a researcher better off having deep indexing, abstracts and full text coverage of a journal, including current indexing and abstracts, but with a delay on the current full text - or is the same researcher better off having no full text at all for said journal?
In terms of embargoes in Business Source Complete, please refer to EBSCO's coverage list for specific titles with an embargo, including the length of said embargo. All embargoed content in Business Source Complete provides current indexing and abstracts to enable linking to current full text in an e-journal under subscription, etc. Business Source Complete provides full text coverage for more sources than any other competing business database. As a result, EBSCO offers more current full text than competing databases, and more titles with embargoes. EBSCO is constantly working with publishers to not only add new current content to databases, but also reduce embargo periods where applicable.
(Please note: When conducting comparisons regarding embargoes, databases should be compared based on total numbers, not on percentages. For example, if a database has 2,000 titles in full text, with 500 having an embargo, while another database provides full text for 1,000 titles with 200 having an embargo, the latter has a lesser percentage of embargoed titles, but fewer full text titles overall.)
Business Source Complete classifies content on multiple levels, including publication type and document type for the ability to narrowly refine searches. Classifications used include:
Publication Type
Academic journals, Books and Monographs, Company profiles, Country reports, Industry profiles, Magazines, Market research reports, Product reviews, SWOT analyses, Trade publications, Working papers
Document Type
Article, Bibliography, Biography, Book Entry, Book Review, Case Study, Company Report, Directory, Editorial, Erratum, Industry Overview, Interview, Letter, Obituary, Proceeding, Product Review, Report, Speech, Working Paper
Business Source Complete supports keyword searching. It allows users to search the database using their own words and phrases via keyword searching. Indexed Fields that may be keyword searched include: author, title, subject, publication name, abstract (including author-supplied abstract), accession number, geographic terms, people, reviews and products, ISSN, ISBN, Company entity, NAIC code & Description, DUNS number, Ticker symbol, Author-supplied keywords, and Complete full text. Also, as an alternative to keyword searching, browse searching is also available via the Subjects and Publications tabs located on the Sub-Toolbar.
Furthermore, Index browsing on EBSCOhost provides users with the option to search from specific indexes in Business Source Complete from a drop-down menu of indexed fields. Once an indexed field is selected, users can browse an alphabetical list of terms in each indexed field or browse for a specific term within the chosen field. The number of times each term appears in that field in the database is also displayed.
From this point, users can build a search by selecting one or more terms from the index and choosing the desired Boolean operator for multiple terms. Users would click 'Add' to move search terms into the search display box. Once a set of search terms has been added to the search display box, the user can choose another index field to browse for additional terms. When the search query is complete, users would click 'Search' to retrieve a list of relevant results. This functionality can be found on the toolbar button labeled 'Indexes' on the Advanced Search screen; however, via EBSCOadmin, the library administrator can configure index browsing to appear on the Basic Search screen as well. The following are the browsable index fields in Business Source Complete: Author, Author-supplied keyword, Company entity, Document type, DUNS number, Entry date, Geographic Terms, Headings, ISBN, ISSN, Language, NAICS code or description, people, publication name, Reviews & products, Thesaurus terms, Ticker symbol and Year of publication.
In addition EBSCO has launched "Visual Search" as an additional graphical search option to enhance the user experience. for more information please see:
Also "Smart Text Searching" has also been added to allow the user to import entire articles into the search box and using propietary software which analyzes the content and words, applies weighting to the content and delivers appropriate results to the results page.
EBSCO uses a hierarchical authority file to ensure that all issues of a publication fall within the larger heading for that publication. With regard to author names and affiliations, EBSCO uses the content of a given journal to determine how an author's name or affiliation may appear (we do not change content from the original publication). However, to ensure that a researcher will find all information in Business Source Complete written by a given author, the "index browse" option is available. This allows users to find all works by a given author despite the fact that this author might be published under slightly different names (e.g. John Michael Smith, John M. Smith, J.M. Smith, etc.)
Furthermore, Business Source Complete provides author profiles for more than 25,000 of the most prolific authors in the database.
Business Source Complete offers searchable cited references for more than 1,200 journals, allowing users to quickly locate additional information related to an article of interest, and present authors with an easy way to assess the impact of their articles. When a user initiates a Basic or Advanced keyword search, any 'Cited References' or 'Times Cited in this Database' links that are available are presented with the search results. If a user clicks the 'Cited References' hyperlink on a result, the 'Cited References' sub-tab will present a list of records cited in the original article. If a user selects one or more references and clicks the 'Related Records' button, then the References sub-tab will present a list of records related to the original article.
These records are sorted by relevance, based on the greatest number of shared cited references. If a user clicks the 'Times Cited in this Database' hyperlink on a result, the 'Citing Articles' sub-tab will present a list of records that cite the original article. 'Cited References' and 'Times Cited in this Database' hyperlinks are also displayed on the article detail page. Additionally, users can search by Cited References. This functionality can be found on the toolbar button labeled 'Cited References' on the search screen. On the Cited References search screen, users can enter search terms next to Cited Author, Cited Title, Cited Source, Cited Year or All Citation Fields, and conduct a search.
With sophisticated linking abilities associated with EBSCOhost databases, and through OpenURL, the interoperability and connectivity between EBSCO resources and other resources continues to escalate. EBSCOhost allows for a myriad of customizable, bi-directional linking. Some of the common EBSCOhost linking options used in libraries and other research facilities include:
EBSCOhost features include mouse over technology, additional searching techniques such as "Visual Search" and "Smart Text searching" to enhance the user experience, as well as the "Image Quick View" which delivers relevant images from the PDF of the article directly into the results view. With over 4 million images already available it provides graphs, photographs, formulae and other images to allow quick assessment of the content in the database.
For further information please see: