EIU Country Reports

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    One title within the Economist Intelligence Unit's (EIU) "Country Analysis and Forecasting" subscription series set is the EIU Country Reports. These provide regular, detailed economic and political forecasts for over 190 countries, and EIU assessments of the business and regulatory environments in those countries.   The reports are updated periodically to reflect significant political and economic developments, and provide data on key economic indicators, and forecasts of economic statistics out to five years. 

    May 17, 2024 7:37pm
    Collection Content

    One title within the Economist Intelligence Unit's (EIU) "Country Analysis and Forecasting" subscription series set is the EIU Country Reports. These provide regular, detailed economic and political forecasts for over 190 countries, and EIU assessments of the business and regulatory environments in those countries.   The reports are updated periodically to reflect significant political and economic developments, and provide data on key economic indicators, and forecasts of economic statistics out to five years.

    Reports enable planning for the economic, political and financial changes that will affect a given country or region, providing an analysis of salient developments in politics, economic policy and the economy, as well as five-year forecasts of the main political and economic trends. 

    As of December 2017, EIU country reports featured sections on: 

    • Political stability
    • Election watch
    • International relations
    • Policy trends
    • Fiscal policy
    • Monetary policy
    • International assumptions
    • Economic growth/ inflation
    • Exchange rates

    In October 2014, CRL hosted a webinar entitled “Mining Big Economic Data,” which explored how the publications and custom data feeds from the Economist Intelligence Unit can potentially support the complex global data needs of major academic research projects in the field of international trade and economics.


    Country Reports can be purchased as a complete set or by individual countries. Libraries report large subscription price increases after having subscribed to EIU country reports for many years, some to over $80,000 per year.  

    Strengths and Weaknesses

    Libraries report that EIU "tends to replace the forecast with the actual data (when it comes up) and therefore purges the historical forecasts." This is a drawback for researchers wanting to track the evolution of "conventional wisdom" about economic climates and prospects in national economies from one year to the next.  

    Additional Reviews in Other Sources

    See James Wiser's 2007 comparative review of this product and Euromonitor International's Country Reports / Country Insights products in The Charleston Advisor. 

    Community Ratings

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