Environmental Justice Atlas

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    The Environmental Justice Atlas documents and catalogues social conflict around environmental issues. The database contains information on the investors, the drivers for these deals, and their impacts, basic data, source of conflict, project details, conflict and mobilization, impacts, outcome, references to legislation, academic research, videos and pictures.

    Jun 13, 2019 11:49am
    Subject Areas
    Collection Content

    All data are collected in an online database and moderated by the editorial team through double checking of information and for “homogenize” data in order to enable search/filter/browse functions. The cases are then approved and published on the map. The EJatlas maps conflicts across 10 main categories:

    • Nuclear
    • Mineral Ores and Building Extractions
    • Waste Management
    • Biomass and Land Conflicts
    • Fossil Fuels and Climate Justice/Energy
    • Water Management
    • Infrastructure and Built Environment
    • Tourism Recreation
    • Biodiversity Conservation Conflicts
    • Industrial and Utilities Conflicts

    The database contains information on the investors, the drivers for these deals, and their impacts, basic data, source of conflict, project details, conflict and mobilization, impacts, outcome, references to legislation, academic research, videos and pictures.


    The webpage has a search & filter functionality that allows users to filter through any of the available fields. The featured maps that combine new geospatial data layers on issues such as water scarcity, forest cover, mining and oil concessions allowing greater insight into the context and the underlying social and environmental drivers of the conflicts.


    The EJ Atlas dataset is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license. Users are free use the work for noncommercial purposes only, with attribution given to the EJatlas and a link to the project page. Resulting work must be distributed under the same license or one similar.

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