Gale Primary Sources

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    Gale Primary Sources is a universal research experience that combines Gale's digital archives in a single cross-search interface. Users may select one, all, or a combination of accessible databases to search.

    The platform allows the use of multiple search options and research tools to search across the variety of archives accessible to the subscribing institution. Features include a wide range of search indexes (keyword, author/creator, document title, subject, place of publication) and limiters (date ranges, content types) to construct searches that best suit the user’s needs. Subject indexing aids content discovery across collections, drawing connections that simple search and retrieval may not achieve.

    Digital tools included in the platform include Term Frequency (exploring frequency and correlation of terms) and Term Clusters (showing related terms that commonly occur in relation to the original search term).

    Jul 2, 2020 10:28am

    Community Ratings

    Content scope and completeness
    No votes yet
    Cost and price-structure
    No votes yet
    Platform and user interface
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