Global Commodities

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    Global Commodities is a database of miscellaneous historical materials on the trade, flow, marketing, and consumption of commodities worldwide, such as oil, cotton, tobacco, spices, sugar, etc.,from the fifteenth through the twentieth centuries, drawn selectively from a number of U.S. and U.K. museum, historical societyand library collections, incuding the British Library, American Antiquarian Society, New York Public Library, 

    Mar 19, 2016 7:35pm
    Collection Content

    Global Commodities features a variety of miscellaneous historical materials on the trade, flow, marketing, and consumption of commodities worldwide, such as oil, cotton, tobacco, spices, sugar, etc.,from the fifteenth through the twentieth centuries. Materials include manuscript, printed and visual primary source materials, including ledger books, port and company records,advertisements, etc. Materials are drawn selectively from a number of U.S. and U.K. museum, historical societyand library collections, incuding the British Library, American Antiquarian Society, New York Public Library.  The database also includes interpretive essays and three-dimensional visualizations of museum ojects. 

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