History Study Centre

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    History Study Centre is an online resource of digitised primary and secondary sources with over 40,000 documents and articles.    It is a general history resource covering British, American, European, and world history, and includes over 50 reference works, 60 journals, 3,000 images, and a multimedia section.

    Oct 1, 2015 5:56pm
    Subject Areas
    Resource Types

    Full Text Linking

    This resource is compliant with the OpenURL standard. Durable URL links are available for most pages but are not available for individual articles.

    Federated Searching

    XML Gateway support allows searching by remote systems.

    Metadata Standards

    This resource complies with the SRU (search/retrieve via URL) standard protocol.

    Marc Records

    MARC records are available for this resource and contain OpenURL links to content within the resource. They are updated twice a year.

    Search Options

    Users can search general documents by keyword, title, and subject.

    Multimedia items have captions and can be searched by keyword and title, and can be limited by resource type.

    Journal articles can be searched by keyword, article title, author, journal title and date, and are full text searchable, with an option to limit keyword searching to the citation and abstract.

    Users can use an advanced search option to combine all of the basic search features.

    Post Search Options

    Users can save searches and items in their personal folders, and can email citations.

    Usage Statistics

    Usage statistics are available as either daily or monthly reports as tables or excel files.

    Statistics include: sessions, searches, hits, searches returning no hits, full text access, full record access, and users denied access.

    COUNTER compliant statistics are also available for full text journals.




    Authentication is via the the UK Access Management Federation, Athens, and IP address range.


    This resource aims to comply with Level 1 of the WAI guidelines.

    Community Ratings

    Content scope and completeness
    No votes yet
    Cost and price-structure
    No votes yet
    Platform and user interface
    No votes yet