IMF eLibrary

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    IMF publications and data are now fully available online through the IMF eLibrary. The content is divided into three collections: Books and Analytical Papers, Periodicals, and Statistics. Statistical data is fully searchable in one database compiled from data going back to the 1940s. Altogether IMF reports that the eLibrary covers more than 13000 titles and five databases.

    May 31, 2024 4:27pm
    Collection Content

    IMF publications and data are now fully available online through the IMF eLibrary. Altogether IMF reports that the eLibrary covers more than 13000 titles  and five databases. The content is divided into three collections: Books and Analytical Papers, Periodicals, and Statistics. 

    Books and Analytical Papers Collection     This presents the analysis done by IMF economists on topics including fiscal reform, resource management, in-depth country analysis, and globalization.  Report series include:

    • IMF Policy Discussion Papers
    • IMF Staff Country Reports
    • IMF Staff Position Notes
    • Occasional papers
    • Working papers

    Periodicals and Reports Collection     Includes these series:

    • World Economic Outlook
    • Regional Economic Outlooks
    • Global Financial Stability Report
    • Finance & Development
    • AREAER (Annual Exchange Arrangements and Exchange Restrictions) Online Database
    • Fiscal Monitor, Regional Economic Survey

    IMF Statistics Collection     Statistical data compiled and fully searchable from the 1940s to the present. IMF data is known to be authoritative and normalized. IMF has been working with various entities to improve the quality and consistency of international data rendered, and to facilitate open access to financial data from regions where consistency has been a problem.1 Reports include:

    • International Financial Statistics (IFS Online)   nearly 335,000 time series covering 267 countries and areas (including all series from the IFS Country Pages; most series from 1948 onward; selected aggregates of key variables appear in IFS World Tables 
    • Balance of Payments (BOP)   more than 425,000 series including aggregate and detailed information for 213 countries and reporting entities
    • Direction of Trade (DOT)   monitoring expansion and reduction of trade relationships with standardized, comparable information for 213 countries and reporting entities from1948 onward, at monthly, quarterly, and annual frequencies
    • Government Finance (GFS)   nearly one million time series from 1972 onward, from 166 countries and entities, updated quarterly
    • Manuals and Guides
    • Statistical Yearbooks




    The IMF eLibrary interface offers the following features:

    • Browsing at the primary navigation level is by region and then country. Authors and editors of all publications can also be browsed. There is a "quick search" function which includes author, title, and "catalog".
    • Additionally there are “microsites” focusing on particular regions (such as BRIC countries), and key topics such as “Environmental policy” and “Inequality.”
    • Texts are marked up by chapters, tables, and sections.
    • Statistical data can be exported in several formats.
    • Documents are available in several reader formats, including HTML, ePub, Kindle, and PDF.
    • The interface includes annotation capability and personal accounts for storing citations.

    1"AfDB Announces Open Data Platform for Africa,"  Ventures July 12, 2013…

    Accessed October 4, 2013.

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