Indigenous Peoples: North America

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    The publisher has assembled an extensive grouping of archival materials related to Indians of North America, dating primarily up through the early twentieth century, with some material extending through the 1980s.

    May 31, 2024 4:27pm
    Collection Content

    The publisher has assembled an extensive grouping of archival materials related to Indians of North America, dating primarily up through the early twentieth century, with some material extending through the 1980s..

    The archival sources range from U.S. government records from NARA, to the Association on American Indian Archives (1851-1983), to various mission society arhives (particularly the Province Archives of the Society of Jesus). See the Appendix for a list of Source Collections Planned.

    Overall, the collection is estimated to total over 1.2 million pages or sheets. The majority will be digitized from existing microfilm (including microform sets from three U.S. regions assembled by Lost Cause Press) , while some will be scanned directly from monographs and newspapers. Most of the collection is slated for release in winter 2014, with the remainder in spring 2014.

    Strengths and Weaknesses

    This collection includes many valuable archival sources, including mission society archives and the native rights collections such as the extensive materials from The Association on American Indian Archives, covering 1851 all the way through 1983. It makes accessible online the collections already available in microform from Gale. Scholars will want to observe carefully the potential overlap of content with other American Indian archival collections and other collections of U.S. legal and governmental documents. Availability of item-level metadata or detailed folder level descriptions will be essential to determining the uniqueness and usefulness of this material.


    Center for Research Libraries Staff

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