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    OpenAfrica is a volunteer driven open data platform, it aims to be the largest independent repository of open data on the African continent. Maintained by Code for Africa, it is a public service that is available as a free resource for citizens, civil society organisations, civic activists, the media, and government agencies. Users can upload, download and reuse data available through the platform. 

    Jun 13, 2019 11:54am
    Subject Areas
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    The data in OpenAfrican is made available through partnerships with 61 organizations and civil society groups that share data. Data and project partners include: African Network of Centres for Investigative Reporting, Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project, Climate Change and African Political Stability, eHealth Africa, and UNICEF. 

    The datasets available in OpenAfrica includes population data, government and financial related data, and health related data. 

    OpenAfrica is maintained by Code for Africa, with additional support from Amazon Web Services (AWS) and the World Bank. Individual datasets or data collections on openAFRICA may receive support from additional partners.


    Datasets can be searched using keywords, or browsed. The OpenAfrica platform uses a search engine to offer several ways of finding the data; users can view all the datasets to see everything that is currently available, or search by keyword, category or department/agency. Some datasets provide guidance on accessing its data, provided as associated metadata. You can also browse datasets by public body, by nation, a-z listing, as well as subject tags.

    Datasets are available for download in various formats including PDFs, XLS, CSV, ZIP,  and DOC. Some datasets are available via the site's API, 


    The data and information available through openAFRICA are available under the Open Government License, except where otherwise noted. 

    Community Ratings

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    Cost and price-structure
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    Platform and user interface
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