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    PolicyMap is a curated geographic data library with mapping and analytic tools.  PolicyMap provides access to over 37,000 indicators from over 150 sources, including Center for Disease Control, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Systems, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Housing and Urban Development, FDIC, FCC, FEMA, and the US Department of Agriculture.  

    May 31, 2024 4:27pm
    Collection Content

    PolicyMap is a curated geographic data library with mapping and analytic tools.  PolicyMap provides access to over 37,000 indicators from over 150 sources, including Center for Disease Control, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Systems, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Housing and Urban Development, FDIC, FCC, FEMA, and the US Department of Agriculture.  

    Information on PolicyMap's data indicators, can be found at: https://www.policymap.com/data/our-data/

    PolicyMap stated: "PolicyMap products, including our Academic Enterprise Licenses, are powered by our growing and current library of indicators, from more than 150 authoritative public and proprietary sources. Our dedicated team expertly curates the data to ensure it is the most accurate available, with the greatest geographic coverage of national data available at the local level across the US. The data comes from disparate sources but is standardized to allow for simple analysis across indicators. We also create unique data, such as trends over time and indices that combine relevant indicators. Our team is always on the lookout for new data sources and requests from users. As we add new content to the platform, it becomes available in your product immediately and at no additional charge on PolicyMap."

    The subscription options and content available are:

    Standard Subscription

    • 1 – 5 users via list of email addresses of authorized holders
    • Maps, Tables, Download, Upload/geocoding, Multi-layer maps
    • Community Profile Report, Rental Housing Report, Home Mortgage Report
    • Premium Data and Community Health Report are NOT included

    Premium Subscription

    • 1 – 10 users via list of email addresses of authorized holders
    • Access to all subscription level features including Maps, Tables, Download, Upload, Multi-layer maps
    • Some custom data processing. One widget.
    • Community Profile Report, Rental Housing Report, Home Mortgage Report
    • Premium data:
      • Health Outcomes and Risk Factors. 
      • Consumer Spending Habits 
      • Medical Spending Estimates 
      • The Social Needs Index 
      • The Community Healthcare Report 

    University Licenses

    • Unlimited concurrent users via IP authentication
    • Access to all subscription level features including Maps, Tables, Download, Upload, Multi-layer maps
    • Community Profile Report, Rental Housing Report, Home Mortgage Report
    • Premium data:
      • Health Outcomes and Risk Factors. 
      • Consumer Spending Habits 
      • Medical Spending Estimates 
      • The Social Needs Index 
      • The Community Healthcare Report 

    PolicyMap provides a support page and additional teaching resources to subscribing libraries.  More information can be found at:










    PolicyMap reported the following features on their platform:

    • Access easy-to-use data and mapping tools
    • Time series data on schools, demographics, health, income, and more
    • Create community profiles for any place or custom area
    • Upload your own location data
    • Multiple filters to identify hot spots
    • Download data to use in your own tools



    PolicyMap is available via a subscription.

    The subscription options include: 

    1. Standard Subscription: permits1-5 users via list of email addresses of authorized holders.
    2. Premium Subscription: permits 1-10 users via list of email addresses of authorized holders.
    3. University License: permits unlimited concurrent users via IP authentication.

    Key Terms:

    • Perpetual access is not available.
    • Text and Data mining is not available.
    • Usage stats are based on Google Analytics, and are not COUNTER compliant.

    Link to VPAT: https://www.policymap.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/ITI-VPAT-v1.4_poli…

    Link to Accessibility Roadmap: https://www.policymap.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/policymap-accessib…;

    Additional Reviews in Other Sources

    Dworak, Ellie. "PolicyMap." The Charleston Advisor.  Volume 22, Number 1, 1. July 2020. https://charleston.publisher.ingentaconnect.com/contentone/charleston/c…;

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