ProQuest Historical Newspapers

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    ProQuest Historical Newspapers is a definitive, historical newspaper archive and includes  The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Guardian  and The Observer, The Irish Times  and other leading American,m British and Irish titles of broad research importance.    ProQuest Historical Newspapers is available as a subscription or perpetual purchase.

    Nov 1, 2017 12:48pm
    Resource Types

    Marc Records

    Generic MARC records for ProQuest Historical Newspapers are available in WorldCat


    Authentication is via the the UK Access Management Federation, Athens, and IP address range.

    Collection Content

    The database includes relatively comprehensive, searchable page-image content from the print editions of major U.S., U.K., and Irish newspapers. Most runs extend from the first issue published to recent years, with a "moving wall" determined by publisher-imposed embargoes of varying length. The content includes print edition content only, rather than the dynamic, born-digital content appering on the newspaper's website.   


    The content is accessible through a web interface, which takes advantage of extensive ProQuest text OCR, zoning of article and feature content, and tagging to enhance navigation, search and discovery, including rudimentary text-mining and visualization features. The ProQuest web platform incorporates multiple ProQuest Historical Newspaper Collections as well as other ProQuest historical collections, and enables cross-searching and interoperability across those platforms.  

    Additional Reviews in Other Sources

    Beck, Thomas J. "ProQuest Historical Newspapers." The Charleston Advisor. Volume 9, Number 3. January 2008. pp. 38-40(3) Accessed December 5, 2013.

    Community Ratings

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    Platform and user interface
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