Scottish Women Poets of the Romantic Period

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    Scottish Women Poets of the Romantic Period is a collection of over 60 volumes of lyric poetry by Scottish women, written between 1789 and 1832.  Semantic indexing allows users to browse the authors, source works, individual poems, links to related web resource, or essays. Full text searches of words or phrases can be limited by fields such as year and place of birth or death; by the writer’s religion, nationality, and ethnicity; and by specifying an editor, publisher, or printer of the source work.

    May 17, 2024 7:37pm
    Resource Types
    Major Languages
    Collection Content

    Scottish Women Poets of the Romantic Period provides access to over 60 volumes of lyric poetry by Scottish women, written between 1789-1832.  It includes works of approximately 50 poets, such as Agnes Lyon, Carolina Oliphant, Catherine Ward, Dorothea Primrose Campbell, Frances Chadwick, Margaretta Wedderburn, and Jessie Stewart.

    This database includes:

    • Critical introduction
    • Bibliographical introduction and a general bibliography
    • Bibliographical essay about the primary and secondary texts and criticism pertaining to Scottish women poets in this period, including links to Web resources where available
    • Works of approximately 50 poets, each with bio-bibliographical sketches or essays, including what is known about their lives, and a bibliography of their primary works and of criticism and reviews
    • Selected secondary critical essays and reviews by major scholars

    Interface features includes full TEI-encoded SGML, semantic indexing, and cross-searching between this and other Alexander Street Literature.


    Scottish Women Poets of the Romantic Period is available on the Web, either through annual subscription or as a one-time purchase of perpetual rights. Libraries that purchase perpetual rights will also receive an archival copy of the data.

    CRL is only providing an offer for the one-time purchase of perpetual rights.

    Strengths and Weaknesses

    A strength of this database is that it uses Alexander Street Press Semantic Indexing allowing users to browse the authors, source works, individual poems, links to related web resource, or essays.  Full text searches can be limited by fields such as year and place of birth or death; by the writer's religion, nationality, and ethnicity; and by specifying an editor, publisher, or printer of the source work.


    Most of the information found on this tab was taken from the vendor's description of the product.

    Community Ratings

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