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If your institution is a CRL Member please:
log in or sign upThe Violations Documentation Center in Syria (VDC) maintains the VDC database to provides access to the information gathered by the organization regarding human rights violations in Syria. The database is openly accessible to the public and is updated on a monthly basis.
The Violations Documentation Center in Syria (VDC) maintains the VDC database, to provide access to the information gathered by the organizations regarding human rights violations in Syria. The VDC adhere to the IHL, HRL, and Geneva conventions’ definitions of violations, including, but not limited to: attacks against civilians, civilian infrastructures, and humanitarian and aid facilities. As much information as possible is documented on each violation, including its perpetrators, the place of occurrence, date of occurance, type of violation, and other statistical attributes related to the victims and violations.
The database is organized into three major sections, according to the status of victims: killed, detainees, and missing. Data can be filtered using a set of qualifying factors regarding the victim, the geographic location of the incident, date ranges, and other personal information.
All data is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.