EIU Data Solutions

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    The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) Subscription Services provide several distinct sources of information on global political and economic trends, including original research and analysis. One group of subscription services products from the EIU is “Data Services,” presented as both regular reports themselves and as distinct, web-based tools.

    May 31, 2024 4:27pm
    Collection Content

    The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) Subscription Services provide several distinct sources of information on global political and economic trends, including original research and analysis. Custom data is also available in conjunction with a service package or separately (on a one-time or periodic update basis). 

    One group of subscription services products from the EIU is “Data Services,” presented as both regular reports themselves and as distinct, web-based tools. Data Services publications include the following:

    • CountryData

    An analytical database of key macroeconomic indicators with dates ranging from 1980 to 2030. Also provides country-specific forecasts and reports.

    • CityData

    A new product focusing on indicators for major cities.

    • Market Indicators and Forecasts

    An analytic tool which aims to provide up to date and accurate information on market health, size, and potential for 60 of the world’s largest economies, as well as data on eight major industries.

    • World Investment Service

    Provides detailed coverage of 60 of the world’s largest economies’ investment plans over a five-year horizon. Includes all changes in laws and regulations, as well as precise coverage of relevant international interactions.

    In October 2014, CRL hosted a webinar entitled “Mining Big Economic Data,” which explored how the publications and custom data feeds from the Economist Intelligence Unit can potentially support the complex global data needs of major academic research projects in the field of international trade and economics.

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