

    IntelCenter provides counterterrorism intelligence services and information to the intelligence, military and law enforcement communities in the US and abroad, focusing on terrorist and rebel groups, including the FARC in Colombia, Maoists in Nepal, al-Qaeda and its affiliates, and others.  .

    Type of Organization
    Provider Role(s)
    Still in Operation
    Main Address

    366 S. Pickett St., #22572
    Alexandria, VA 22304
    United States

    Subject Areas
    Mission Statement

    ". . . to provide those at work in the intelligence, law enforcement and military communities the information they need to further their mission whether it is raw data or finished analysis that can be incorporated into their own. IntelCenter acts as a force multiplier for current counterterrorism efforts." (, January 2015)

    Founded in 1989.  
    Cited by Scott Shane (The New York Times, January 11, 2015), as source of information about jihadist videos and audios produced and disseminated by Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, in NYT coverage of the Paris Charle Hebdo bombing.  
    "Cited by the Central Intelligence Agency's (CIA) Open Source Center (OSC) Director Doug Naquin as a key resource for obtaining terrorist videos from al-Qaeda before the group released them publicly and also to understand the significance of terrorist video material." 

    Sources of IntelCenter data:

    • "Comprehensive global monitoring of media sources in all languages ranging from CNN and al-Jazeera to radio stations in Afghanistan and newspapers in Pakistan.
    • Specialized media/reference sources and speciality publishers.
    • Liaison relationships with intelligence, military and law enforcement agencies around the world.
    • Primary source collection."   (www.intelcenter/com/aboutus, January 2015.) 
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