First World War: Different Perspectives is a thematic series contained as a sub-set within the digitized archival content known as British Online Archives (BOA), distributed by Microform Academic Publishers (MAP).
British Literary Manuscripts II, Medieval & Renaissance provides access to a collection facsimile images of literary manuscripts from roughly 1120 to 1660.
British Literary Manuscripts I, 1660-1900 provides access to facsimile images of literary manuscripts from the Restoration through the Victorian era.
The collection includes letter and diaries, drafts of poems, plays, novels, essays, journals, and more.
East India Company is a digital collection of the official records of the East India Company (1595-1858) and the India Office (1858-1947) held at the British Library. Adam Matthew is digitizing the IOR archive over the next five years in conjunction with the British Library, .
This collection will include the charters and minute books of the East India Company and the minute books of the post-1858 governing agency, the Council of India.
Early Encounters in North America: Peoples, Cultures, and the Environment documents the relationships among peoples in North America from 1534 to 1850. The collection focuses on personal accounts and provides perspectives from all of the protagonists, including traders, slaves, missionaries, explorers, soldiers, native peoples, and officials, both men and women.
British and Irish Women's Letters and Diaries includes over 100,000 pages of material assembled from numerous bibliographies and from newly conducted research. Alongside the published material are 4,000 facsimile pages of previously unpublished manuscripts. British and Irish Women’s Letters and Diaries spans more than 400 years of personal writings, bringing together the voices of women from England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales.
The American Civil War: Letters and Diaries contains more than 400 sources of diaries, letters, and memoirs, to provide access to thousands of views on almost every aspect of the war. Collection includes 200 letters written by Amos Wood, his wife Clara, and their three-year-old son, Freddie, illustrating what life was like for a Massachusetts family separated by the war.
Gale is a division of Cengage Learning Inc., a privately held for-profit corporation based in Stamford, CT, heavily invested in textbook publishing. Gale publishes major databases of digitized materials for the post-secondary academic market.
Updated: Oct 21, 2019 3:10pm
Alexander Street Press, a subsidiary of ProQuest based in Alexandria, VA, publishes large-scale digital collections in the humanities and social sciences. The company also provides media hosting and integration services to public, school, and academic libraries worldwide.
Updated: Jul 10, 2018 11:52am
Microform Imaging Limited has two distinct trading divisions. Microform Scanning & Microfilming which provides bureau services, and Microform Academic Publishers which maintains the company’s original pedigree focusing on preservation and dissemination of the information and knowledge stored in libraries, archives and record offices from all corners of the United Kingdom. Additionally their British Online Archives (BOA) is used for their digitized primary source collections under the parent company of Microform Academic Publishers.
Updated: Nov 1, 2018 9:39am